English corner žije

Erasmus+, eTwinning "World without borders" a všechny projektové aktivity spojené s výukou Aj.

V červnu loňského školního roku jsme se vydaly na Erasmus výjezd do Chorvatska. Cílem naší cesty byla Osnovna škola Dobriše Cesarica v hlavním městě Záhřebu. Na této zahraniční cestě nás doprovázel i náš školní informatik Petr Konvička, který sem přijel na tzv. "job shadowing" nebo-li stínování. Obě nás v pořádku dovezl do hlavního města a po celou...

Vítání jara


Folklorní kroužek si pro žáky prvních tříd a hostující učitele z Chorvatska připravil pásmo Vynášení Mařeny. V úterý 19. 3. žáci ukončili zimu a přivítali jaro. Rekvizity Mařenu, Mařáka, májíček a kroje nám zapůjčil soubor Odra T. J. Sokol Vítkovice.

Five teachers from another school in Zagreb came to observe our lessons after holidays in March. They visited English, P.E., Music, bilingual Maths, and Czech lessons in almost all classes. Folklore group prepared program for them and pupils from grade 1. They presented tradition of throwing Mařenainto a river to bring end winter and welcome...

Four teachers from our Chroatian partner school arrivedvisited our schoo last week in February. They observed Art, Czech, English, Spanish lessons in 9.D, 9.B, 8.D, 7.A, 6.D, 5.A, 4.D, 4.C, 4.B, 3.E, 3.D, 1.D, and 1.C classes. Chroatianteachers were interested in inclusion and our projects. Ourfolklor group Malá Odra and school choir Koblížci...

Two teachers from little town Canavese which is located near Torino spent three days with our teachers last week in November. They came to learn more about our school.Francesca and Marina observed bilingual Maths lesson, Czech, English, and Spanish lessons in 9.D, 9.B, 8.D, 7.D, 7.A, and 6.D classes. Italian teachers were interested in inclusion,...

Thirteen students and 3 teachers arrived to Krakow on Friday and visited Auschwitz. On Saturday, October 21, we met them in Krakow and visited Salt Mine Museum in Wieliczka. Our hosting families prepared various activities on Sunday.



Chlidren from Class 4.A have written poems. The topic was weather.



Icebreaker, book written by Hannah Grace is a romantic novel that evolves around two college students attending a Maple Hills University. The book talks about the story of Anastasia and Nathan, going from Haters to Lovers and overcoming their fears and problems together. The book contains a lot of drama and a lot of plot twists that keep the...